Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut in geometria, prima si dederis, danda sunt omnia. Scisse enim te quis coarguere possit? Hoc dixerit potius Ennius: Nimium boni est, cui nihil est mali. Quam nemo umquam voluptatem appellavit, appellat; Quae autem natura suae primae institutionis oblita est? Dolor ergo, id est summum malum, metuetur semper, etiamsi non aderit; Duo Reges: constructio interrete. Ad eas enim res ab Epicuro praecepta dantur.
THIRD SUNDAY IN LENTMarch 15, 2020 The Story: Saul - Standing Tall, Falling HardThis week's message looks at a significant transition in Israel's history - from the era of the Judges to the era of the Kings. Hannah's miracle son Samuel becomes a prophet whom God reluctantly asks to anoint a king...
Have you always wanted to read through the Bible in a year? 2020 is the year to do it!! As a congregation we are reading the "Story" together. It is an abridged version of the NIV Bible arranged in chronological order so it reads like a story. Every Sunday children - adults...
Join us on Sunday mornings for a new series based on our core values!
September 8- Engaging People, Awakening Hope
September 15- ELEVATION - Knowing Jesus (Special Celebration of Hope School's 60th anniversary)
September 22- EXPEDITION - Responding to God’s Call...
Do you need some power in your life? Perhaps your relationships with friends, children, parents or spouse could use some new life. I have good news for you! The same power that raised Jesus from the dead is available to each of us. “And if the Spirit of of Him who raised...
During the Season of Lent Join us for a new sermon series entitled:
"Suffering and Hope"
Based on Jesus' walk to the cross and various Psalms.
Each week a video testimony will be shared where we will be encouraged by one of our own shares their journey through suffering empowered...
Join us for this impactful series based on the Beatitudes!
January 6- "The Reality Choice"
January 13- "The Hope Choice"
January 20- "The Commitment Choice"
January 27- "The Housecleaning Choice"
February 3- "The The Transformation Choice"
February 10- "The Relationship...
Join us each Sunday at worship as we experience Advent together!
December 2-Waiting for Heaven on Earth- With Isaiah
December 9-Waiting for Heaven on Earth- With John Sunday...
Join us on Sunday, December 2 at both services for a special guest presentation by Julie Hill from Living Water International.
Julie will share the update of where our investments were used to bring fresh water all over the world! This year a very generous donor will be matching all...
"Give Thanks to the Lord for He is good and his Love endures forever.
Join us for Thanksgiving worship services:
Wednesday, November 21 at 7:00 pm &
Sunday, November 25, 8:00 & 10:30 am