We believe children are gifts entrusted to parents by God. We also acknowledge that despite a parent's best intentions, it can be challenging to peel away their child's layers. Our youth group is designed to be a healthy place for youth to come together and talk freely and openly about life issues - to be able to ask questions about their faith that they may not be able to ask you right now.
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The ONe to ONe Podcast
The best education happens in the home where teaching moments occur regularly; but when questions or concerns come up, youth group is here for you.
We strive to be purposeful and intentional.
every youth will know GOD on a more intimate level
every youth will feel they are apart of GOD’S creation
every youth will be able to lead a Bible Study
every youth will know GOD’S love forever
every youth will seek GOD with their whole heart
every youth will carry out their faith in life
we equip DISCIPLES
we enable DISCIPLES to make DISCIPLES
A follower of Jesus shouldn't just have one conversation with God at church or school or in their home. These are all good and necessary; however, we feel they need to have one more conversation in community with other youth, to develop their whole person. RüT and Hope High School Youth, strive to do just that.