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Weekly Devotion - Happy Valentine's Day!

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Happy Valentine's Day! By Patra Mueller, Family Life Minister Do you know the history of Valentine’s Day? The day is actually named in remembrance of a priest named Valentine, who is recognized as a saint in the Catholic Church. Legend has it that he lived during the third century in...

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Weekly Devotion - Journey: A Confirmation Experience

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Journey: A Confirmation Experience By Jonathan Kopecky, Youth Minister Journey: A Confirmation Experience has taken the next step - we’ve introduced Journey Pods! Pods is all about creating a space where youth and parents can talk about real issues in their life and how these...

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Weekly Devotion - The Search for the Truth: Adolescents, The Church and Social Media

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The Search for the Truth Adolescents, The Church and Social Media By Dr. Elizabeth Barton The teenage and young adult years are hard, especially now. These are the years when youth discover and shape their identities. With this search for identity come questions: Do I matter?Am I enough?Am I...

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Weekly Devotion - Energize Your Mind

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Energize Your Mind By Pastor Peter Mueller This last weekend, my message was called Energize Your Mind as we reflected on the biblical call to love God with our whole being, including our minds. Jesus said the greatest commandment is “Love the Lord your God with all your heat...

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Weekly Devotion - And then it was Winter

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And then it was Winter By Irene Gehring You know, time has a way of moving quickly and catching you unaware of the passing years…It seems like just yesterday that I was young, just married, and embarking on my new life with my mate. Yet, in a way, it seems like eons ago and I wonder where...

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Weekly Devotion - "Happy New Year!"

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“Happy New Year!” By Loren Sommer OK, I said it but it doesn’t really do much for me. I appreciate the day off with lots of football games, but the whole mentality of it seems a bid ridiculous. I marvel when I hear someone say, “Well this year isn’t going any...

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Weekly Devotion - Once in a Lifetime

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Once in a Lifetime For this week’s devotion, I encourage you to CLICK HERE for a wonderful reflection from Dr. James Houston, the founding principal of the theological school I graduated from, Regent College in Vancouver. Today, Dr. Houston is 99 years old and living in an...

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Weekly Devotion - Christmas Carols

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An Advent Tradition Christmas Carols By Jennifer Rice To say that music has always been a part of my life may be an understatement. I have always been surrounded by music – whether singing hymns and worship music at church, listening to the radio, or listening and later joining...

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Weekly Devotion - Giving Tree

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An Advent Tradition Human Care Ministry - Giving Tree As we continue our Advent Devotions this month, it would be remiss of us to not mention one Hope tradition dear to many people's hearts (and is wrapping up as you read this). Almost thirty years ago, one of Hope’s largest Advent...

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Weekly Devotion - An Advent Tradition

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An Advent Tradition By Rev. Roger Sylwester Advent Calendars are found everywhere today, featuring everything from chocolates to jewelry to - need I say more? Early in our marriage, the only Advent Calendar was a piece of colorfully printed paper with Bible passages for each day of December...

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