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HOPE 365 Toolbox

ReFrame. See Life Differently.

Posted by Peter Mueller on

ReFrame Short Trailer from Marketplace Institute on Vimeo. Starting Sunday September 25th, ReFrame is a seven week Sunday message series and ten week linkHOPE small group series to help you see life differently.  What does it look like to follow Jesus in our modern world?...

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Bono. Eugene Peterson. The Psalms.

Posted by Peter Mueller on

Bono, the lead singer of U2, and Eugene Peterson, pastor, theologian, and translator of the popular Bible translation The Message recently sat down to discuss the impact of the biblical prayer book Psalms. Interviewed and facilitated by W. David O. Taylor (former seminary classmate of Pastor...

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Tags: bono, music, prayer, prayers, psalms, songs, the message, u2, worship

HOPE 365 - Engaging

Posted by Kris Kunkel on

Engaging is a challenging word to wrap our minds and actions around.  Do you know what it really means?  Some synonyms for engaging are:  appealing, attractive, pretty, delightful, lovely, pleasing, pleasant, agreeable, likable, winsome, enchanting, captivating.  Which one of...

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HOPE 365 - Walking Together

Posted by Kris Kunkel on

  After this (Jesus) appointed seventy-two others and sent them on ahead of him, two by two, into every town and place where he himself was about to go.  Luke 10:1   I remember feeling like I just wanted some time alone.  To walk and hike in the quiet of the woods...

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HOPE 365 - Growing Together

Posted by Kris Kunkel on

Commitment!  It can be a scary word sometimes…especially in this present day of “do whatever feels go for you” culture! Merriam-Webster dictionary defines commitment in this way: an act of committing to a charge or trust; an agreement or pledge to do something in the...

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Hope 365 - What is it?

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In January 2015, Hope's Vision Pathway Team complete a ten month strategic planning process.  Part of that plan is our new mission statement "engaging the disinterested to walk in the Hope of Jesus." This is our compass that orients the direction of everything we do as a ministry.  The...

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HOPE 365 - Jonathan Kopecky

Posted by Peter Mueller on

Watch this video to hear Jonathan Kopecky tell the story of how he was engaged to walk in the Hope of Jesus. Listen for what you can learn for your own work of engaging the disinterested - what did the people in Jonathan's life do to engage him that you could also do to engage the...

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HOPE 365 - Larry Koltz

Posted by Peter Mueller on

Watch this video to hear Larry Koltz tell the story of how he was engaged to walk in the Hope of Jesus. Listen for what you can learn for your own work of engaging the disinterested - what did the people in Larry's life do to engage him that you could also do to engage the...

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HOPE 365 - Charles Butler

Posted by Peter Mueller on

Watch this video to hear Charles Butler tell the story of how he was engaged to walk in the Hope of Jesus. Listen for what you can learn for your own work of engaging the disinterested - what did the people in Charles' life do to engage him that you could also do to engage the disinterested...

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HOPE 365 - Sara Kunkel

Posted by Peter Mueller on

Watch this video to hear Sara Kunkel tell the story of how she was engaged to walk in the Hope of Jesus. Listen for what you can learn for your own work of engaging the disinterested - what did the people in Sara's life do to engage her that you could also do to engage the disinterested people...

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