We have been entrusted with the great privilege and responsibility of taking care of God's creation, serving people in physical and spiritual need, and engaging disinterested people to walk in the Hope of Jesus. Hope facilitates many ways for you to be involved in "sharing HOPE", both within the community of Hope, as well as across the street and around the world. You are encouraged to think and pray about where God might be calling you to share HOPE! Some current possibilities are described below...
Share your gifts with others; CLICK HERE to complete a quick feedback form and get connected at Hope.
Once a month (usually the first Saturday), members of Hope join with Westside Interfaith Network to serve our community. If you would like to prepare food or serve, volunteers are always needed. Click HERE to find the next opportunity for you to serve in 2023.
Every year, Hope Church partners with local public schools and retirement centers and shares the Christmas Spirit. Gifts are purchased for families in need.
Do you have a great idea for sharing Hope? CLICK HERE to find out how to create a team!