Life change happens better in circles than rows
Since the first disciples of Jesus, Christians have found it helpful and often essential to regularly meet together with other followers of Jesus in a small group to study God's Word, pray, and speak words of challenge and encouragement into each other’s lives. Indeed, some of the most profound spiritual growth often occurs in such a context. Additionally, there is great joy in regularly experiencing a reminder that no matter what is going on in your life and faith, you are not alone. God is a being of internal community (Father, Son and Holy Spirit), and we are made in His likeness, in His “image” - we are therefore designed for community - with Him and with each other.
linkHOPE groups are small groups of about 6-12 people who gather regularly for the purposes mentioned above. Many of these groups meet in homes, and others meet in restaurants or the Hope campus. The purpose of each is the same: to bring great Hope, strength, and growth in your faith as you LINK with other followers of Jesus.
We also have access to many small group studies through our subscription with Study Gateway. Click the link below to register and gain access to a variety of studies to study with your small group, with your family or on your own.
CLICK HERE to register for RightNow Media
If you would like to connect with an existing group or start a new group, fill out the form below. If you have questions, contact for more information. Life is too short and too tough to go through it alone; God wants to give you a great gift through linking with others in community.
Open Groups are, well, OPEN! Anyone can come at anytime and they don't have an ending date. They are a good introductory step into linkHOPE/groups at Hope.
Short Term Groups have a specific topical focus and run for a set number of weeks. These groups include: Hope 101 and Financial Peace University.
Life Groups are a safe and predictable environment where you can experience authentic community and spiritual growth. They are a longer term group of people committed to doing life together.