Scroll down to the registration form below.
Both classes will be given a Booklet.
You will need to purchase a Bible and a notebook. You may use any Bible; however, in your 2nd year, we will be using one that has a concordance. The NIV is a good translation. The Message is another great translation that puts the Bible into today's language. A great Self-Study Bible I recommend is the Concordia Self-Study Bible. You can find it HERE.
Purchase your Catechism ebook HERE or you may purchase a hard copy through the registration link below. They will be ready for our first class Oct 10, 2021. Next steps: Decide who your mentor/parent will be for your student. This person will be in class with them through out the first 8 classes.
You know the drill! However this year, 8th graders will need a different mentor than the one they had last year. This mentor will also be in class for the first half of the year. You will want a concordance with your Bible this year.
Journey for High school students
Journey isn’t just confirmation, it’s a strategy to help you continue to speak faith into your teenagers life. Are you wanting your teen to take the next step in their faith? Are you struggling with wanting to connect in a deeper way with your son or daughter? Let's walk together and build a team of mentors to help your child's faith sore. Email Jonathan for next steps.
Calendar (2021-2022)
You can subscribe to our Journey Google Calendar 2021-2022 by clicking HERE.
Monday, September 20th 7PM Fellowship Hall Parent and Student Meeting
Sunday, September 26th 9:45-10:20AM Fellowship Hall Parent and Student Meeting
PART 1 - Sunday Mornings, 9:30-10:30
(w/Mentor - 6 classes)
10/10 class 1
10/24 class 2
11/7 class 3
11/21 class 4
12/5 class 5
12/12 class 6
IHOO - In Home On Own
December - January (4 classes)
class 7
class 8
class 9
class 10
(finish class 7-10 by January 9th)
Journey Pods (4 classes - taught by Dr. Lizz Barton)
PART 2 - Sunday Mornings, 10:45-11:45
(students only - 10 classes)
2/13 class 11
2/27 class 12
RETREAT March 4-6, 2022 (Friday 3:30PM - Sunday 2:00PM)
3/4 class 13
3/5 class 14
3/5 class 15
Resume PART 2 - Sunday Mornings, 10:45-11:45
3/13 class 16
3/20 class 17
3/27 class 18
4/3 class 19
4/24 class 20
Journey Project Night: May 21, 2022 at 7pm
Confirmation Sunday: May 22, 2022 at 10:30AM
All classes will be held in-person on Hope School's Campus, on the second floor. Classes will be on Sundays at 9:30-10:30 AM (PART 1 - first semester) and 10:45-11:45 (PART 2 - second semester). Our first class will be on October 10th.
Gathering Reflections
We expect you to be engaged in 60% of our Worship Experiences and RüT. However, you only need to fill out 10 of these during your time in Journey.
Community Service
You are responsible for completing 7 hours of community service. 5 of these hours need to be completed in our community outside of church. The remaining 2 need to be hours served in our church community.
Lizz Barton will lead a cool new thing we are going to introduce this year, called Journey Pods. Journey Pods will be 4 classes with both 7th and 8th grade families mixing it up in the fellowship hall. This will be designed for mentors and students to deepen their relationship with each other and with God.
8th GRADERS - Heart/Life Verse
The next shift for Journey is to decide on your LIFE and HEART Verses. A LIFE Verse is the historically Confirmation Verse. The LIFE verse doesn’t “confirm” your faith, rather it gives you purpose and direction to continue to pursue Jesus throughout your life. It is a vision that helps you see beyond your daily routines and allows you to realign and refocus on the reason God created you, you. The HEART verse on the other hand is like a compass. It is something you can check daily to make sure you are on the correct path. A HEART verse is a verse that speaks to your heart and reminds you of God’s daily promises for you. Some LIFE verses might be a HEART verse to someone else and vice versa, it is totally up to the Confirmand. I am happy to help you in this process. Take some time praying about what you want your LIFE and HEART verse to be. Please email these to me no later than MARCH 27, 2022.
8th GRADERS - Picture and faith statement
We like to publish a booklet to the congregation so they can know more about our Confirmands. In the booklet they will find a picture (preferably a current photo), the students name and a faith statement.
Here’s some guidelines to help you with creating the faith statement:
• Answer these questions, in paragraph form, 150-300 words;
-Why do you want to continue to be a Christian?
-Why do you want to affirm your faith and proclaim the truths of Jesus?
-What helps you to believe in and follow Jesus? What does your faith mean to you?
• Write this from your heart and make it as concise as possible
• Use Bible verses, the catechism, and the your Journey Booklet to help you in this process.
• Email this to me by MARCH 27, 2022.
The Journey Pathway
Our hope is that by the time a youth turns 19 years old, he or she will have 5 biblically-solid mentors that will walk with them through their emerging adulthood. Mentors will be approved by the student, his or her parent(s)/guardian(s) and myself. Here’s a deeper look on how this happens:
Journey 1
Baptism and First Communion
Acts 2:38 tells us, "Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit."
At Hope, students can go through a 1st Communion Class when they are in 5th grade. When the students has completed this, they shift into their next Journey.
Journey 2
An Explanation of Martin Luther’s Small Catechism
In the fall, 7th graders, partnered with their 1st mentor or parent (the primary faith leader in their family; either mom or dad), walk through the 6 chief parts of the Lutheran faith. When the student completes this year, they move into Journey 3.
Journey 3
A Confirmation Experience
In the fall, 8th graders, partnered with 2nd mentor or parent (if mom was the mentor in Journey 2, dad can be the mentor for Journey 3), walk through different teaching examples from the Bible, taught by the Jonathan, DCE. When they complete this year, they move into the 4th Series of Journey.
Journey 4
Grace: For Those Who Think They Don’t Measure Up
A sophomore and their 3rd mentor will read the book, “Grace: For Those Who Think They Don’t Measure Up” together. The 3rd mentor will use the Leader’s Guide, found in the back of the book, to aid in the discussion. This is a 7-12 week commitment.
Journey 5
Jesus is the Son of God - John 20:30-31
A senior and their 4th mentor will read the book of John together. This will be a 7-9 month commitment. This will be competed during his or her senior year.
Journey 6
“Engaging the disinterested to walk in the hope of Jesus.”
We want our mission statement to come alive in everyone - including our youth. Our hope and prayer is that a 19 year old will take ahold of this mission. The 5th mentor will work with the Senior and be a mentor that will guide and help them engage their disinterested friends and fulfill our church’s mission. We will commission them to be self-directed and find ways to use all 5 of their mentors through out their emerging adulthood.
Would you like to start this adventure? Just think about your 12 year old. In 7 years, they could have 5 mentors walking with them though every situation in college, when they are 25 years old, 30 years old and maybe even beyond.
Maybe you have a 17 year old now… it’s never to late to start in The Series. Let’s begin a Journey plan for your family. Contact Jonathan on how your youth can get involved with the Journey Series.