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HOPE 365 Toolbox

Weekly Devotion - February 10th

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At the Heart of our Universe is a Relationship By Tonia Davidson Numbers 6:26; Hebrews 10:24-25 British researchers recently discovered that one smile stimulates the pleasure center of the brain as much as 2,000 chocolate bars! Now that’s a study I’d like to participate in...

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Weekly Devotion - February 3rd

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Rest By Erin Wicklund, Hope Lutheran Foundation One afternoon I was sitting alone in my office putting 110% of myself into a project, but completely disheartened by my progress. Exhaustion was setting in when my co-worker, Sister Rosemary, came to say goodbye for the day. Pulling on her coat...

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Weekly Devotion - January 27th

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Just Read It! By Loren Sommer Isaiah 55:1-7; Matthew 4:1-4 “Oh, this is so frustrating!  I just don’t know why the sprinkler system works sometimes and other times it won’t!” Jill exclaimed.  “If I don’t get some water on these grapevines there...

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Weekly Devotion - January 20th

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Resilience is God-With-Us By Amy Kopecky We understand the incarnation of a Savior so differently after a long pandemic. How many of us want to be in the flesh, face to face, with people right now? God in the flesh carries more gravity now. Can you imagine if Jesus came in 2020 or 2021 and...

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Weekly Devotion - January 13th

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This week, I came across this devotion.  I thought it was a perfect reminder for all of us.  -Patra Mueller, Family Life Minister   Take My Hand Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our...

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Happy Epiphany!! Patra Mueller, Family Life Minister Today is January 6th when churches all over the world celebrate Epiphany! So, what exactly are we celebrating? The festival originated in the Eastern Church, where it first included a commemoration of Christ's birth. In Rome, by 354...

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Advent Devotion, Week 4

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Silent Night, Holy Night By Deacon Dan Jackson   Our congregation sings this beautiful carol at the end of our Christmas Eve candlelight services. As we pass Christ’s light around and light up each candle, we softly sing Silent Night. Combined together, the song and candles create...

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Advent Devotion, Week 3

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Joy to the World, the Lord is Come By Rev. Roger Sylwester Joy to the World should be the opening carol for Christmas Day! Unlike the invitation of O Come, All Ye Faithful to draw near to the manger and the awe of singing Silent Night, Holy Night by candlelight at the manger on Christmas Eve...

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Advent Devotion, Week 2

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HARK! The Herald Angels...Sing? By Loren Sommer … And when Charlie Brown asks “Isn’t there anyone who can tell me what Christmas is all about?” Linus says, “Sure Charlie Brown.  I can tell you what Christmas is all about.”  And then Linus walks...

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Advent Devotion, Week 1

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28 Days of Waiting By Amy Kopecky, Director of Contemporary Music As long as I can remember, my family has decorated for Christmas the Friday after Thanksgiving. This year we rejoiced that this was one tradition a pandemic couldn’t shake and pulled our bins from the attic like rebels...

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