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HOPE 365 Toolbox - Lent Week 3 - 40 Days of Prayer

Lent Week 3 - 40 Days of Prayer

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During the forty days of Lent, we are joining with other churches throughout the Seattle area for 40 Days of Prayer for our city. Each week there is a different prayer focus as well as a different church hosting a prayer room. The church this week is: Emerald City Bible Fellowship (see times below and details at Prayer Guidebooks are available in the Commons. 

This week the prayer focus is Government and Civil Authorities

Lord, we ask that you give strength and guidance to our governing authorities. We pray that your hand will lead and guide them and fill them with your wisdom. Soften their hearts to follow you and may they seek after you as they make decisions. In Jesus’ Name we pray. Amen.

“I urge you to bring petitions, prayers, intercessions and thanksgiving to God on behalf of all people - for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness.” 1 Timothy 2:1-2

Everyone is invited to CONNECT 
Wednesdays, March 12 through April 9th

6:00-7:00 PM Soup Supper in the Fellowship Hall
     Sign up HERE to bring a pot of Soup!

7:00-8:00 PM  Bible Study/Activities for all ages

  • Fellowship Hall: Preschool-2nd Grade
  • Gym/North Campus: 3rd-5th Grade
  • Youth Room/Gym: Middle School & High School (pick up at Gym)
  • Commons: Adult Bible Study taught by Pastor Peter
