During the forty days of Lent, we are joining with other churches throughout the Seattle area for 40 Days of Prayer for our city. Each week there is a different prayer focus as well as a different church hosting a prayer room. This week, our neighbor, West Seattle Christian will be hosting a prayer room. You are welcome to stop by and pray. (See times below.) You can see all of the details at https://prayseattle.org. A Prayer Guidebook is available in the Commons.
The second week of Lent the prayer focus is: Youth and Families.
Lord, we ask that you strengthen the next generation of youth. We pray that your hand would lead and guide them and fill them with your wisdom. Soften their hearts to follow you. We also pray for families and ask that you would strengthen marriages and relationships between parents and children. Turn the hearts of families to you so they may they be filled your unfailing love and peace. In Jesus’ Name we pray. Amen.
“Your faithfulness extends to every generation, as enduring as the ear you created.” Psalm 119:90
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