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STRATEGY - HOW do people develop an engaging lifestyle?

At Hope, you are encouraged to be regularly involved in one or more of the four areas described below. We believe that when a person regularly participates in each of these four ways to grow in walking in the Hope of Jesus, life change will spontaneously happen and that engaging others with the Hope of Jesus will become nearly automatic.

You are invited and encouraged to regularly participate in the following:

 We GATHER together to WORSHIP God, hear His Word, be reminded of His call on our lives and His love for each of us.

We LINK together in SMALL GROUPS of other Christians for study, friendship, and encouragement in words and prayers.

We RENEW hope in our lives by diving into extended and highly focused EXPERIENCES that often provide transformational life impact in a short time through retreats, conferences, seminars, and other special events.

We SHARE hope with others within the Hope ministry, in our local Seattle community, and around the world through by meeting the spiritual and physical needs of others through SERVICE.