Do you have a great idea for sharing Hope that's within the scope of Hope's Vision Frame? God might be calling you to start a new shareHOPE team! (formerly known as Ministry Action Teams and described in our by-laws as excerpted below). Contact any staff person to talk about your idea, and then fill out the shareHOPE team covenant form below with basic information. A Hope staff person will contact you to discuss your idea further. Thanks for your willingness to share Hope!
Hope Ministry Action Teams (shareHOPE Teams) Basics:
Ministry Action Teams (MATs) are groups of Hope Lutheran Church and School volunteers created either by the Board of Directors, Board of Elders, or ministry staff to help fulfill some aspect of the strategic plan then in place. Any person connected with Hope Lutheran Church and School can serve on a MAT. A regular attender or school parent who is not a Hope Lutheran Church member may serve, so long as in doing so they agree to serve according to the beliefs and stated mission of the church as articulated in the preamble and Article II of the Constitution. Any member of the Congregational Assembly can lead a MAT. In the area of school ministry, the principal is empowered to designate school parents who are not members of Hope Lutheran Church to lead MATs so long as in doing so they agree to serve according to the beliefs and stated mission of the church as articulated in the preamble and Article II of the Constitution. All MATs will be responsible to the ministry staff person or Board which created it for direction, encouragement, training, and accountability.
Other Notes:
- All shareHOPE Teams are created and ended by either the BOD, BOE, or a staff person.
- All shareHOPE Team Leaders will meet at least once annually with their respective Accountability/Encouragement Coach for prayer, evaluation of progress towards task goals, and clarification of purpose.
- shareHOPE Team Leaders and Coaches may meet more often as necessary.
- All shareHOPE Team Leaders will attend required training from time to time.
- The church office will maintain an up-to-date copy of shareHOPE Team Covenants.