Wednesday Blog - Summer Service Times
Hope Going to One Worship Service this Summer!
Starting June 2nd, we will have one worship service at 10:00 AM through September 8th. As many of you know, attendance at most churches is usually lower during the summer months as people travel or just enjoy the Seattle sunshine. This provides an opportunity for the people of Hope to gather together in one worship service each week, give our volunteers an opportunity for great rest, and to reconnect with our larger Hope community.
Our summer worship services will include the best of both of our regular traditional and contemporary worship styles and opportunities to connect over coffee and sometimes even a meal afterwards. We will also continue our focus on prayer with several opportunities for people to gather in prayer for our West Seattle community. Nursery and Children's Church will continue to be available.
Dates to Note:
Our summer worship services will include the best of both of our regular traditional and contemporary worship styles and opportunities to connect over coffee and sometimes even a meal afterwards. We will also continue our focus on prayer with several opportunities for people to gather in prayer for our West Seattle community. Nursery and Children's Church will continue to be available.
Dates to Note:
- June 2nd: Staff Milestones Recognition and Lunch followed by Congregational Assembly Meeting
- June 24-28th: Vacation Bible School
- June 30th: Outdoor worship service and picnic at Camp Long
- September 8th: Fall Kick-Off and Dedication of the North Campus with lunch to follow
- September 15th: Two worship services will resume
While we understand this may require some adjustment of expectations and flexibility in everyone’s Sunday schedule, we are confident that this will be a positive and encouraging experience as we come together in worship as one Hope community this summer!
We’re looking forward to gathering with you at 10 AM on Sunday mornings this summer!

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