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Living Well Sermon Series

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Join us for our Fall sermon series entitled "Living Well".  How do we walk in the hope of Jesus in a sustainable way?   September 9-  Living Well: Walking in the Hope of Jesus September 16- 100th Anniversary Celebration! September 23- Living Well: Gather Hope...

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"Good Vibes" Sermon Series

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Come and hear some "Good Vibes" this summer as we experience some of the most powerful and favorite stories of the Bible! July 1- Good Vibes: Jesus Calms the Storm July 8- Good Vibes: Joseph Forgives July 15- Good Vibes: Moses and the Exodus July 22- Good Vibes: David and Goliath July 29-...

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Ephesians Sermon Series and Small Groups

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Join us for our sermon series and small group study through the book of Ephesians!  The Apostle Paul had great encouragement for the early church.  He also has great encouragement for each of us as he reminds us of the power and depth of God's love expressed through Jesus Christ! 

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Lenten Devotions

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As we walk toward the cross during this Lenten Season, you can receive a free devotion everyday.  Click here to sign up.

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"Join the Journey- Celebrating 100 Years of Hope" Sermon Series

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Join us each week in worship for our new series!  Check it out at  /join-the-journey January 14 - Vision Sermon Series begins Celebrating 100 years of Hope with special videos and testimonies January 21- Elevation: Celebrating our Relationship with God January 28 -...

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Update on Join the Journey Experience

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On Sunday, November 19, we had a great experience together!  Bud Schultz and Larry Koltz took us on a trip down memory lane with a history of Hope.  Then, Charles Butler celebrated Hope’s current ministry and challenged everyone to consider themselves "stakeholders of Hope&rdquo...

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Join the Journey Experience- Sunday, November 19

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You are invited to attend Hope’s “Join the Journey Experience” on Sunday, November 19, at 8:00 a.m. or 10:30 a.m.  This special event will take place during our regular worship times and will include worship music...

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Celebrating the 500th Anniversary of the Reformation!

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Special Celebration Worship Services on Sunday October 29 at 8:00 & 10:30 at Hope! NORTHWEST REFORMAtION 500 Sunday, October 29, 2017, 4:30 PM - 6:30 PM Location: Overlake Christian Church, 9900 Willows Road NE, Redmond, WA US...

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"For Such a Time As This"

Posted by Peter Mueller on

As I write this, vast swaths of Houston and other much smaller towns in Texas and beyond are flooded with several feet of water as a result of Hurricane Harvey. Meteorologists have said this is a once in 500 years weather event.  FEMA says they will be there for years rebuilding...

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Tags: fall events, reformation 500, retreats, small groups, hurricane relief

"Endless Summer"

Posted by Peter Mueller on

In warmer climates such as Southern California, there are often t-shirts, posters, and other items that carry the caption “Endless Summer.” The caption is usually accompanied by an artist’s depiction of two surfers standing in front of the ocean at sunset with palm trees...

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